My name is Carson Sheppard.
I grew up infatuated with cameras. I was gifted my first camera before I turned ten years old, and from that moment I was hooked. I used it to make Lego stop motion "movies", and loved to take pictures of my family. My passion didn't fully come to light until my later teen years, when I made friends with fun cars and enjoyed doing photo shoots with cheap cameras or smartphones. Today, I enjoy urban photography, and find myself often trying to convey the little things that catch my eye.
Photography to me, while it is a very subjective topic, is a vehicle for expressing yourself and your soul. You can tell a lot about a person by the type of photos they shoot or admire. Personally, I appreciate the subtle warmth of dusk or dawn, and the way that the world we've manufactured interacts with the natural world.
With my photography I aim to show to anybody who stops to look, what the world looks like through my eyes. To put on display the side of the world that I admire and daydream of. To escape the troubles and stress of everyday life and to retreat into a world of creation and admiration, where I can freeze a moment in time that I find beautiful, calming, and human.
That is what photography means to me.